A Must-Have Item for Long Days and Travel: Compression Socks
You might find compression socks for flying the least exciting item to add to your packing list but it's one of the must-have items for travellers. Moreover, if you are going to have a long day in the office where you have to place lots of pressure on your lower limbs, then the compression socks are reliable. Initially, you need to know what compression socks are and why you need them.
People who travel on long flights or work for longer time periods in offices mainly need compression socks. Compression socks are assistive inventions that help in smoothing the blood flow in the lower limb which may have reduced because of sitting for prolonged periods.
Moreover, the seats are not always designed for optimal comfort which can give rise to pressure points in the lower limb. To cater to this issue, you can rely on compression socks which you can wear without compromising your fashion.
Complexities of Lower Limb and Prevention with Compression Socks?
There are multiple types of complexities in the lower limb which you can cater to with compression socks. A few of these complexities are discussed here:
1. Varicose Veins
Varicose veins usually occur in the legs and it is quite a discomforting condition. In this condition, the veins in your legs become swollen and twisted and you can feel it from the skin of your legs.
This condition may cause severe pain and tenderness in the leg which can be limb-threatening. The main cause of varicose veins is the weakening of valves of veins because of prolonged sitting on flights or workplace.
Management of Varicose Veins
One of the simplest ways to get rid of varicose veins is to wear compression socks. The copper compression socks for flights and travel helps in better circulation of blood in the lower limb. Other than this, you can try to elevate your leg above the level of your heart. In case the varicose veins get severe, you can opt for sclerotherapy which includes the injections of foam chemicals in veins to close it.
2. Chronic Venous Insufficiency
This medical condition is also common with the name of phlebitis, post-thrombotic syndrome, and chronic venous stasis. As the name indicates, in this condition, veins are unable to move blood back to the heart. It may be caused by sitting for an extended time period, history of DVT, age, and pregnancy.
In this particular condition, a person feels dull aching pain in the legs along with swelling. Moreover, tingling sensation in the legs with visible varicose veins are also present.
Management of Chronic Venous Insufficiency
Try wearing compression socks such as copper infused compression socks for improved blood circulation. Moreover, don’t put extended pressure on leg veins and avoid sedentary lifestyle. In case it gets severe, phlebectomy and vein stripping is a treatment of choice.
3. Deep Vein Thrombosis
When a blood clot forms in more than one vein of the body, it is referred to as deep vein thrombosis. Because of this, a person can feel warmth, pain, and tenderness in the affected body part.
It can be quite serious because the blood clot can break fee and travel in the bloodstream. It can get stuck in any structure such as, if it gets stuck in lungs, the blood flow will be cut out which can lead to pulmonary embolism.
Management of Deep Vein Thrombosis
One of the simplest yet effective management and prevention of DVT is to wear compression socks. Using compression socks to reduce fatigue can help you in preventing this serious condition in the first place. Other than this, avoid positions that can restrict blood flow in legs such as crossed legs. Smoking also escalates the risks of DVT so you need to get rid of your smoking habits also.
4. Diabetes
Diabetes is one of the common and long-lasting health conditions and is pretty chronic. The human body mostly breaks down large chunks of food in glucose. But when its level is increased in the bloodstream, it leads to release of insulin.
However, it badly affects the body circulation and healing metrics. One can also develop blood clots in the body and other medical conditions such as ulcers and infections.
Management of Diabetes
Before anything else, you need to improve your blood circulation in your body which can be worsen from prolonged sitting. However, the medical open toe compression socks for improved blood circulation can aid you. Other than this, you have to pay attention to your diet and exercise frequently.
5. Edema
The entrapment of body fluid in body tissue leads to discriminative swelling which is known as Edema. This mostly occurred in lower limbs such as feet and legs. One can have Edema because of several medical conditions such as kidney disease, cirrhosis of liver, heart failure and more.
A person with Edema feels swelling and puffiness in the affected part and skin feels quite stretchy and shiny. Moreover, the heaviness of the particular limb is also a thing that happens.
Management of Edema
A person with Edema should reduce the salt intake and lose weight if possible. Moreover, while travelling, a person having risks of developing Edema should wear compression socks like zipper compression socks for Edema. Other than this, hot baths and saunas should be avoided at all costs.
Concluding, it can be said that every person faces a need to travel or sit for an extended time period. In scenarios like this, the chances of developing serious medical conditions in the lower limb are higher.
The medical conditions which can be developed because of this mainly includes DVT, Chronic Venous Insufficiency, Edema, Diabetes and more. One of the best and effective prevention of these conditions includes usability of compression socks.
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