What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and How Can You Cure It?

In this busy world, no one has time to pay attention to the little details about their ways of working for example, if you are continuously using a mouse and keyboard, then it can cause several issues in your wrist. One of the most common and painful ones is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS). People with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome mainly look out for a passive way to cure it. This is because they don’t want to compromise their daily life activity. Luckily, you are living in an era where you can cure your diseases without compromising the activity of daily living. One of the effective ways is to use a breathable brace or splint to cater to this issue. This discussion aims to provide a thorough insight into the causes of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and how can you cure it with intuitive wrist braces. So, scroll and get into the information without any delay.

What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

You may have come across several people who feel excruciating pain in the wrist and they don’t even know what it is called and why they have it. One of the common problems that leads to issues like wrist pain and numbness is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. There can be several culprits behind this issue and some of them are:

  • Repetitive Use: This is likely to be the frequent cause of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Repeating the hand movement in a particular motion or keeping it in the same position for a longer period can be termed repetitive issues. Through repetitive issues, your tendons may swell and mainly the nerve is on the verge of compression.
  • Medication: Not all types of medication are good for your health. For example, if you are using drugs that may relate to anastrozole, then you can face issues like CTS. Other medications such as letrozole and anticoagulants can also lead to painful medical conditions like CTS.
  • Medical Conditions: Several medical conditions are known to increase the risk of CTS in people of all ages. However, people having conditions like acromegaly, diabetes, and obesity participate well in causing CTS. Autoimmune diseases and genetic factors are also factors to look into, for finding the cause of CTS.
  • Trauma or Injury: If you get sudden fractures and dislocation, then it can lead to inflammation of the internal structure. Through this, your median nerve gets compressed which is responsible for Carpal tunnel Syndrome.
  • Work-Related Issues: While working in an occupation in which you have to deal with vibrating hand tools and repetitive movements, CTS is likely to happen. Drivers who need to maintain a tight grip also face this particular issue commonly.

How to Cure Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Sometimes, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is so severe that it's not entirely curable. Yes, you can work on relieving the symptoms and reducing inflammation. This can further improve the function of the affected wrist. Some of the ways to cure CTS to some extent are discussed here:

  • Braces and Splints: One of the most effective ways of curing a medical condition like CTS is to use braces and splints. It helps maintain the neutral position of your limb and relieves pressure on the median nerve. Other than that, the braces and splints contain neutral breathable material so you can also wear them at night. By this, your activity of daily living will not be affected.
  • Medications: CTS is known to be quite painful so some of the patients rely on taking medications frequently. There is no need to visit a health specialist for medication as you can use ibuprofen or naproxen. However, if your symptoms are quite serious then visiting a health care provider is a great option.
  • Change in Ergonomics: If you are experiencing CTS because of work-related factors, then you should pay attention to your work ergonomics. For example, if you work on keyboards frequently then you can try adjusting the angles and position of your keyboard and hand. Moreover, don’t forget to take frequent breaks so the pressure on your wrist can be reduced.
  • Physiotherapy Exercises: Several patients prefer to remain active rather than relying on medications. This is also achievable in the case of CTS if you follow the physiotherapy exercises for CTS. Moreover, you can either visit a physiotherapist in person or you can learn some of the exercises for CTS on several channels like YouTube.
  • Avoid Repetitive Motion or Medications: As you know repetitive motion is the main culprit behind CTS. All you can do to manage CT is to avoid repetitive motion to the extent you can. Above all, you also need to get rid of the previously mentioned medication to manage CTS without any complications.

Expert-Recommended Products to Manage Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Innumerable ways may help in managing CTS but only a few of them are effective. After careful analysis, we have concluded that you can rely on splints and braces to cure CTS without actually delaying any of your work. Don’t worry if you don’t know anything about braces and splints because the understated recommendations can help you in this matter:

  • Carpal Tunnel Wrist Support with Metal Strips
  • Thumb Support Brace with One Metal Strip
  • Wrist & Hand Support for Carpal Tunnel Pain
  • Adjustable Wrist Support Brace for Carpal Tunnel.


In a nutshell, anyone can experience Carpal Tunnel Syndrome due to several issues like medications and repetitive motion. However, there is no need to worry because CTS is manageable. There are numerous ways which you can follow to manage CTS. This includes physiotherapy or wearing braces and splints. For the ease of the users, we have also provided the best-in-class recommended braces and splints.


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