Therapy and Knee Health with Knee Support Products

The knee is one of the largest joints of the human body and is prone to several types of injuries. It’s a hinged joint which comprehends a vast amount of cartilage, ligaments, tendons, and many other anatomical structures. However, knee injuries can affect the quality of your life and limit functionality. That is why physical therapy and rehabilitation of the knee is a very important thing. Before getting into these complexities, you have to be aware of the basic knee structures. Through this, you will learn about the structures of the knee and preventive measures that can aid you. This context will work like a comprehensive knee guide along with its physical therapy and other supportive devices. Knee Anatomy – Structures You Need to Know The knee is indeed a complex structure but knowing its basic anatomical structures can help you. Here are some of the main knee structures that you need to know: Muscles of Knee Rectus Femoris – knee extension along with hip flexion Vastus Late...