Types of Compression Socks and How They Can Help Women?

Compression socks are specially designed elastic garments that apply pressure to the legs, ankles, and feet. They are typically made from a stretchy material such as spandex or nylon to provide a snug fit. Compression socks come in various types, each offering different levels of pressure and serving specific purposes. Here are the common types of compression socks: Gradient Compression Socks Compression socks with gradient compression are the most common type. Gradient compression means that the pressure exerted by the socks is strongest at the ankles and gradually decreases as they move up the leg. This design facilitates blood circulation, as it helps to push blood from the lower extremities towards the heart. Gradient compression socks are often used for managing varicose veins, preventing DVT, and reducing leg swelling. Anti-Embolism Stockings Also known as thromboembolic deterrent stockings (TED stockings), these compression socks are specifically designed for post-surgical...